
Saturday, October 24, 2020

Committee Highlight: Virtual Technical Coordination

Many of you have already "met" Cinda Baxter in her role as SLIG's Virtual Technical Coordinator. Others are likely familiar with her as a genealogist, fan of all things creative and tech, and frequent SLIG (and other institutes) attendee.

It is thanks to Cinda that we have a very firm foot on the ground as we move toward the intensity of holding SLIG and Academy programs in a virtual environment for 2021. She hit the ground running when she joined the committee in July, surveying faculty about their virtual program experiences and preferences, reviewing and recommending support options, and even creating a poll to name the 2021 Tech Hosts to keep SLIG "uniquely SLIG." 

Naturally, Cinda adds polish and pizazz to everything she does, so we can expect the best virtual experience possible at SLIG and the Academy this year!

You can read more about Cinda here.