
Thursday, July 26, 2018

SLIG Tech Day on Saturday, January 19, 2019

The SLIG Tech Day will be held on Saturday, January 19, 2019. It is the Saturday between SLIG 2019 and SLIG Academy.

Back by Popular Demand, SLIG Tech Day will feature hands-on workshops and classes on technologies that enhance the research experience. Details will be announced in July, and this event may be added to registration beginning in August.


Half-Day Workshops: $60; Classes/Demonstrations: $25

Students who register for a full day of sessions will receive $10 in Hilton Bucks to spend during the day, or during their stay.

Half-Day Workshops

Students should bring their own laptops, with any pre-requisite software or online tools installed. Electrical outlets will be available for each student unless specified otherwise in workshop description. Please review specific pre-requisites, if any, listed with the workshop. Each workshop will run 3.5 hours including a short break.

Classes and Demonstrations
These classes are intended to be instructive, but do not include a hands-on experience. Students with laptops may follow along as they see fit, as time permits. Classroom set will not include electrical outlets at each desk; however, there will be charging stations in a central location to utilize during the breaks if needed. Each class will run 1.5 hours; there will be a 30 minute break between class sessions.


Keep checking back here for more information. The registration page can be reached here.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

SLIG 2019 - Schedule at a Glance

We are as excited as you are for January to come because that means a week dedicated to genealogy! What could be better than that?

To whet your appetite for what the week will hold, we are highlighting some of the great events that will be held during the week of January 13th through January 18th. Additional details will be posted in August, along with the opportunity to register and RSVP.

On-Site Registration
Sunday, 13 January 2019, 2:30 - 5:30pm 
Monday, 14 January 2019, 7:00 - 8:20am
Please note the shortened hours on Sunday to accommodate our modified schedule.

Orientation - For All Students this year, new and returning!
Sunday, 13 January 2019, 5:30 pm
All students are encouraged to attend orientation this year. We will provide information to help you make the most of your SLIG experience, introduce instructors and committee members, and kick off the week with a few door prizes.

Welcome Reception
Sunday, 13 January 2019, 6:15 - 7:30pm
Light hors d'oeuvres, time to network with friends and start making new ones. No announcements to interrupt your time to visit (make sure you attend orientation for those), but make sure you stay for the brief entertainment, which will begin about 7:00 pm.

General Session Keynote
Monday, 14 January 2019, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Photo opportunities for large groups will follow

SLIG Central
Open Daily, 9:00am - 6:00 pm; closes Friday at 12:45 pm
Mid-morning refreshment break, Maia's Bookstore, UGA information, SLIG swag, BCG portfolios, charging stations, and plenty of room to relax and network.

SLIG Shuttle to the Family History Library (FHL)
Tuesday through Thursday 4:00 - 9:00 pm
Friday, 4:00 - 6:00pm

Miscellaneous Special Events by Invitation
Tuesday and Thursday, 15 and 17 January 2019, evenings
To participate, you must opt-in at the time of registration to receive invitations from third-party hosts.

SLIG Night at the Family History Library
Wednesday, 16 January 2019, 5:00 - 8:30 pm
Sponsored by ICAPGen and hosted by the Family History Library, the evening will include classes, labs, light refreshments, and time to relax and research.

Networking Social
Friday, 18 January 2019, 6:00 pm
Photo opportunities, networking, and cash bar

Completion Banquet and Awards
Friday, 18 January 2019, 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Banquet ticket included with SLIG tuition; guest tickets available to purchase
The completion celebration banquet will include the annual UGA awards - to include the coveted Silver Tray Award and announcement of the 2019 FUGA (Fellow of UGA), announcements of the themed contest winners/door prizes, a catered meal, and the keynote address. Tickets are required to attend; the cost of the banquet is included with SLIG registration, but RSVP is required; guest tickets are available for an additional fee.

Tech Day
Saturday, 19 January 2019
Back by popular demand! This optional event, which includes classes on workshops of genealogy tehcnology topics, is open to participants of both SLIG and the SLIG Academy, and is held on the Saturday separating the two.

SLIG Expanded
Week of January 21-25, 2019
Ever wanted to stay and research with the guidance of the experts? SLIG Expanded provides the opportunity to obtain consultation or guided assistance; it is available to SLIG participants on the week following SLIG.

New Laura G. Prescott SLIG Scholarship Announced

SLIG is honored to have been selected to host the new scholarship fund in honor of this amazing woman!

"In recognition of the professional accomplishments of our friend and colleague, Laura G. Prescott, and her contributions to the area of education in genealogy, a scholarship for tuition to the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) has been established," wrote Polly FitzGerald Kimmitt and Dawn Slater, coordinators of the efforts to start this new scholarship. The scholarship will be funded through tax-deductible donations to the Utah Genealogical Association.

Laura is known throughout the genealogical community for her passion for genealogical education in the areas of teaching, writing, research, and more. She worked for the New England Historic Genealogical Society for seven years before starting her own research business, was a lecturer at conferences, seminars, and workshops at all levels, and has written articles on a wide range of genealogical topics for the field’s journals. She served as president of the Association of Professional Genealogists and was director of Ancestry Academy, Ancestry’s collection of educational webinars presented by leading genealogical educators.

The Laura G. Prescott SLIG Scholarship will be open to amateur, transitional, and professional genealogists who exhibit a passion for genealogy and appreciate the importance of education in our field. Desirable candidates will be those seeking to maintain high standards in genealogy, while also giving back to the community through volunteerism within the genealogical community (serving on society boards, conference committees, family associations) or through promoting genealogy in the world at large (through pro bono projects in cemeteries, adoption research, unclaimed persons, e.g.). Applicants will be asked to explain their reason for taking a particular SLIG course, and also to list education and experience, both paid and volunteer. 

A committee will evaluate scholarship applications and choose one winner annually to receive full tuition to his or her choice of course at the traditional Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy in Salt Lake City, Utah, or to one of its alternative programs during the year. Details about applying for the scholarship for attendance at SLIG in January 2020 will be forthcoming.

The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy, facilitated by the Utah Genealogical Association, is a five-day program of instruction and practical exercises featuring in-depth study of specific aspects of genealogical research. It occurs each January in Salt Lake City and the courses are coordinated and taught by leaders in the field. SLIG also offers the SLIG Academy for Professionals onsite in January, and several virtual learning programs.

Those wishing to donate to the Laura G. Prescott SLIG Scholarship may do so in one of these ways:
  • Via PayPal, to with "Laura G. Prescott SLIG Scholarship” on the line labeled, “Add a note.”

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

SLIG 2019 - Course 8: Native American Research

Today, more Americans claim descent from at least one Cherokee ancestor than any other Native American group. Is there a Native American story in your family or would you just like to learn more about Native American research?

Over the last several years, digitization of Indian records and advances in DNA testing have helped open new areas of tribal research.

SLIG's Course 8: Native American Research is is designed for both the genealogist trying to get started and those who want to learn how to assist others in searching for Native American roots. Students will learn what to look for in identifying a potential native ancestor, give practical guidance through the research process, and demonstrate how to analyze evidence for proof. 

Rick Fogarty and his instructors have designed an educational and hands-on course that will provide information and practical experience. A research project will be assigned to help attendees use the techniques they have learned in the course and the course also includes some guided assistance at the Family History Library.

To learn more about the course, click here. To register, click here.

Top reasons to stay at the Hilton

Hilton Downtown SLC

Top reasons to stay at the Hilton

·        Walk out of your room, take the elevator down to SLIG!
·        Indoor pool, whirlpool, and cardio fitness center.
·        2 restaurants, Starbucks, and in-room dining.
·        Business Center
·        Complimentary Printing Service.
·        Express Mail.
·        2 blocks from City Creek Mall.
·        Walking distance to the Family History Library.
·        And we provide a big discount!

Plenty of rooms still available! Bunny slippers optional.

See our reservation page for details click HERE.

See Hilton’s website for full amenities HERE

Ready? Check out our lodging reservation page HERE.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

SLIG 2019 - Course 13: Burned Counties and More!

All genealogists face record loss at some time or another due to researching in a burned county. But record loss is not just a result of fire. There are other disasters, intentional or otherwise, that can lead to missing records. That discovery leads to disappointment and frustration!

What is a genealogist to do?

In SLIG 2019, SLIG will offer a week-long course on research strategies for dealing with record loss. From reconstructed records to record substitutes, Kelvin Meyers and his team of knowledgeable and experienced genealogists will be educating students on what to do to deal with this challenge.
Click here for more information on the course and the schedule of lectures. Click here to register!

Friday, July 13, 2018

SLIG 2019 - Course 2: Immigrants to the United States After 1890

Rich Venezia, the owner of Rich Roots, started researching his family after his grandmother's death. His passion for genealogy has only increased as has his desire to help others find their "rich" roots. "He believes that learning about your ancestors allow you to learn about yourself."

Rich's own family research has provided him with ample immigration expertise. Only one of Rich's 32 3x-great-grandparents was born in the United States! The knowledge he has acquired over the years is the basis for his coordination of SLIG's Course 2: Beside, Through, and Beyond the Golden Door: Immigrants to the United States. The unique case of late 19th- and 20th-century immigrants is that, as federal laws were codified and strengthened, the paperwork needed to enter the USA, and continue to reside there, expand exponentially. Students in this course will learn about these records. While covering immigration, this course is not ethnicity-specific, and will include examples about and record sets related to immigrants all over the work. For more detailed information on the course and the week-long schedule of lectures, go here. To register, go here.

Like SLIG's 2-part law course, this course is also meant to partner with John Philip Colletta's immigration course, which will be offered at SLIG in 2020. Rich and John have collaborated to create comprehensive courses that build on one another.

You can find out more about Rich on his website, Rich Roots Genealogy. You can also access his TEDx talk from his website on "How to Grow Empathy From Uncovering Your Roots."

Rich is a knowledgeable and dynamic speaker who will educate and inspire you to learn about your immigrant ancestors!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

SLIG Scholarship for First-Time Institute Attendees Winner - Jennifer Grimm Henricksen

The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy is pleased to announce that Jennifer Grimm Henricksen is one of the two individuals selected for the the SLIG Scholarship for First-Time Institute Attendees for 2019.

The competition was strong and many candidates submitted worthy applications, in fact it was so difficult that the decision was made to award two scholarships for 2019. The committee determined that Ms. Henricksen's application effectively conveyed her desire for a more in-depth learning experience at an intermediate (or above) level. Jennifer will be attending "Researching Like a Professional."

Jennifer noted in her application when her passion for genealogy began and her plans for the future:

"When I started my own family a few years after that, my desire to know where I came from grew. There was still little to no firsthand information – my parents were the first in their families to grow up outside of the south and were the products of parents who moved west, took almost nothing with them, and never looked back. Family history just wasn’t spoken of in my home. I made it my goal to change that. I want my son to grow up knowing who came before him. I want him to know their struggles and their accomplishments."

"Genealogy has brought together my love of history, sociology, research, technology, and problem solving in a way I never thought possible for someone without a PhD. As much as I would love to research out of the kindness of my heart, genealogy is a time-consuming (and sometimes costly) endeavor and I would like to develop the skills needed to turn my passion into something financially sustainable."

By attending a week-long institute, Jennifer hopes to expand her knowledge, but also to make connections with fellow genealogists that will help sustain her in her professional endeavors.

Congratulations to Jennifer and we look forward to seeing her in January!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

SLIG Scholarship for First-Time Institute Attendees Winner - Vicky C. Lambert

The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy is pleased to announce that Vicky C. Lambert is one of the two individuals selected for the the SLIG Scholarship for First-Time Institute Attendees for 2019.

The competition was strong and many candidates submitted worthy applications, in fact it was so difficult that the decision was made to award two scholarships for 2019. The committee determined that Ms. Lambert's application effectively conveyed her desire for a more in-depth learning experience at an intermediate (or above) level. Vicky will be attending "Establishing Genealogical Proof with DNA."

A graduate of the Boston University (BU) genealogical program, Vicky is seeking the following in her first institute experience:

  • The technical learning experience to build my knowledge base and hone my abilities in research, writing, and establishing genealogical proofs. 
  • I am looking forward to meeting and networking with fellow genealogists, and especially those whose work I have read, and the teachers I have had at BU. Becoming part of the circle of genealogists means getting out and meeting people, helping each other, and learning from each other. We cannot stay in our bubbles at home or in our archives; personally I need to engage and build my new world. As I mentioned in my essay, one of my goals in networking is to understand how others found and/or developed their niche specialization. 
  • A bit harder to describe as it is fairly intangible, is the process of becoming part of the genealogical research community. This goes beyond networking and joining associations: it is the “how” of how the genealogical industry and world works, the culture, norms, etiquette, do’s and don’ts, and tribal knowledge. Akin to what we learn as we grow up, I want to become normed so I can be a reliable and contributing member of our profession and industry. The BU program’s module on professional genealogy started the process for me, but it quickly became obvious that interacting with professionals is the best way to become part of the team.

Congratulations to Vicky and we look forward to seeing her in January!

SLIG Registration Series: Wait Lists

Updated July 2020

Wait List: a record of time-stamped entries indicating interest in an already-full course.

No need to look beyond the registration form to get on a wait list.

You also have the ability to add/drop courses from your waitlist after you have completed registration!

Just use the two icons just under "Enrollments".

Q:  What are my chances of getting off a waiting list?

A:  In the words of a famous genealogist, it depends. Sometimes we are able to add seats to a course; sometimes there is movement from course to course. The most changes occur near the course cancellation deadline. Some even occur the day we begin. Miracles happen ... and sometimes they don't.

To protect the integrity of the waitlist process, we cannot tell you your placement; nor can we move you up the list for any good reason. We can't let you swap courses with a friend who can no longer attend, as that seat should go to the next person on the waitlist. Sounds downright depressing, doesn't it?

The good news is, we are often able to work through quite a few names on our waitlists, depending on circumstances. We recommend that you register for your second choice course while you wait – but only if it is truly a course you will enjoy as there are no guarantees. While we would love to help each and every one of you get that first-choice selection, seating is, by necessity, limited, even when virtual.

Q:  I haven't registered yet, and the only courses in which I have an interest are full.  How do I get on the waitlist?

A:  Click on "Register Now" and on the first page, select "Wait List Only," then "Next."

When you get to the next page, the only courses that will be listed in dark text are those for which a waitlist is available. Select one or more, and again, click "Next."

Just as if you were registering and paying for a course, you will need to reply to the agreements and invitations on the following page. Then once you are pulled off the waitlist, those answers are already on file. Cancellation policy agreement is required; permissions are optional. Again, click "Next."

The final page is a "Summary" of your selections. If you find an error, you can use the "Previous" button to return to a prior page to modify your answers. Once everything on this page is accurate, click "Finish." You MUST click "Finish" or your waitlist request is not complete.

You should then see an additional notice at the bottom of that page confirming that you have been added. Click "Exit Registration" to go back to your dashboard. From there, you can also open "Wait Lists" (see top item on this page) to see your waitlisted courses.

Then WATCH your email for that exciting announcement that says "An Opening is Available."  You wouldn't believe how many people miss that email - I can't underscore enough how important it is that you ensure your email client is accepting, not trashing or placing in a junk folder, all correspondence from SLIG. 

Q:  What are my odds? What are the secrets of the waitlist universe? Your waitlist wisdom?

A:  I truly wish I had some. But I do offer this:
  • The sooner you get on a waitlist, the higher the probability of success. Don't sign up in November and expect an immediate response.
  • Do register for your second choice so you can make plans to attend while the airline prices are reasonable and there is still lodging available. Then, if an opening comes up in the final days just before SLIG, or even on the day of, your chances of being able to take that seat are greater than those on the list ahead of you who are still in Virginia Beach. Just sayin'. Not that we won't call down the list in order, but the odds of having someone purchase a last-minute flight to SLC are naturally slim (although it has happened).
  • Be realistic. If the Advanced Methodology course filled in less than one minute, and you waitlisted the course two days later, consider that you might be a way down the list. Please take a good hard look at other options - there are some absolutely amazing courses always available. 
I wish you all the best of luck with this process. And may the "odds" be with you!

Peg Ivanyo, Director

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

My Experience with SLIG's "Corpus Juris" Course

As genealogists researching and compiling the history of our families, we need to understand the time and place in which they lived. A crucial part of that understanding is learning about the laws that were in effect and their impact on our ancestors.

            One of the best ways of receiving a comprehensive education on legal records is to take Judy Russell’s courses at the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. She is the coordinator for a two-part curriculum. The first part, The Family History Law Library, will be offered in 2019. You can access more information here. In 2016, I attended the second part, Corpus Juris: Advanced Legal Concepts for Genealogy

            Besides Judy being a knowledgeable and entertaining speaker, the course contained substantial information to assist genealogical researchers in their encounters with legal records. To briefly summarize, the topics included: an overview of the legal system, research tools and strategies, statutes, session laws, probate records, court records, debt records, criminal records, published materials, canon law, and civil law. As you can see from the topics, it was a jam-packed week.

            One of my favorite parts of the course was the visit to the University of Utah Law Library. R. Lee Warthen, JD, MLS (sadly, now deceased) treated us to a personal tour of each floor of the library pointing out all the relevant resources that were available. It was a special treat to see the collection of old law books that were available to researchers. We also had the opportunity to do hands-on work on-site and to get a chance to put our new knowledge to the test as we worked through the exercises. I located a 1799 case that referenced a Maryland family with land in both Maryland and Virginia. The digest provided insight into the particulars of the case and it was amazing how much genealogical details could be gleaned from the summary. It is exciting to think about how much information might be available in the court records!

            I really enjoyed the hands-on exercises that Judy incorporated into the course. From the ones at the law library to the documents that were reviewed during the lectures, it was beneficial to see actual documents that illustrated the concepts and provided for critical thinking and analysis. Best of all, with the Family History Library right down the street, I was even able to put my new knowledge to work when conducting personal research.

            One evening at the FHL, I was reading circuit court minutes for Hawkins County, Tennessee. I came across a writ of Scire Facias. Luckily, that was one of the topics that Judy had covered that day. It was so satisfying to be able to apply my newfound knowledge! For those unfamiliar with that term, it is a “judicial writ, founded upon some matter of record, such as a judgment or recognizance and requiring the person against whom it is brought to showcase why the party bringing it should not have advantage of such record, or why the record should not be annulled and vacated.”[1]

            Peg Ivanyo, SLIG director, reminds us that "in order to take Judy's advanced course, which is unique to SLIG, one must have either taken her Law Library course, which is offered this year or have equivalent experience."

            As a genealogical researcher, the benefit of taking this two-part series will be realized in the increased knowledge you will gain and being able to apply that knowledge to understand and appropriately analyze legal documents in the future. 

--Debra A. Hoffman

[1] Henry Campbell Black, Black’s Law Dictionary, Fourth edition (St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1951), “Scire Facias.”

Monday, July 9, 2018

Jimmy B. Parker Scholarship Awarded for SLIG 2019

The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy is pleased to announce Glenn York as the winner of the Jimmy B. Parker Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy scholarship for 2019. The competition was strong and many candidates submitted worthy applications. The committee determined that Mr. York's application exemplified the culture of giving back to the community as demonstrated by Jimmy B.Parker.

Glenn has been doing genealogy research for about 35 years. Recently retired he now focuses much of his time on genealogical research and sharing that knowledge through local genealogical societies. While using a variety of genealogical research skills, he focuses much of his research on using genetic genealogy techniques to assist in breaking down brick walls. He shares his knowledge through facilitating monthly DNA study groups for two local Colorado genealogical societies (Larimer County Genealogical Society and Longmont Genealogical Society) and give presentations on genetic genealogy for several local societies as well as teaching classes on genetic genealogy for my local community.

Mr. York will be attending SLIG Academy and taking the course entitled “DNA and the 21st-Century Professional.” In his own words:

"I chose this course because most of my previous classes have provided me the technical knowledge of using DNA in genealogy research. This course will help me learn how to better apply this knowledge to help others understand and utilize their results in their research. I facilitate monthly DNA study groups for two local genealogical societies and provide one-on-one suggestions for friends, family, and community members on selecting appropriate DNA tests and understanding their results. I feel this course can help me to provide more professional guidance to members of the DNA study groups and others I assist with analysis of their DNA test results."

Congratulations to Glenn and we look forward to his attendance in January 2019!

Friday, July 6, 2018

SLIG 2019 Academy Course Highlight: Building and Nurturing a Successful Genealogy Business

Thinking about opening a genealogy business? Interested in improving your existing business? 

Then this course is for you!

Course Coordinator:
  • Jeanne Larzalere Bloom, CG

Additional Instructors:
  • Teresa Steinkamp McMillen, CG
  • David E. Rencher, AG, CG, FIGRS, FUGA

This course requires active interaction and participation. Sessions include hands-on activities. At the end of the week, each student will have a unique business plan crafted from each day’s homework.

Students should bring a laptop computer with a word-processing and a spreadsheet program installed. Nightly homework assignments will include income and expense accounts, creating a weekly calendar, marketing and promotion, and business plans.

Required Textbook: Mills, Elizabeth Shown, editor. Professional Genealogy: Preparation, Practice & Standards. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2018.

Schedule of Topics:
Day 1: W e focus on setting goals for our business and the tools for measuring and monitoring the health of our business: finances. Students with existing businesses may want to bring three-years of balance sheets and income and expense statements.

Day 2: We concentrate on client relations beginning with the inquiry through the final report and invoice. These steps are combined with time allocation and management to create a weekly calendar.

Day 3: The discussions focus on client reports, marketing, promotion, and time management. Students develop the marketing and promotion piece for their business plans.

Day 4: Is devoted to creating future plans for education and credentialing; developing financial projections; creating marketing plans; and time management. Students use the homework pieces as the basis for creating a business plan.

Day 5: W e discuss expanding our businesses beyond client research to include revenue streams like writing and speaking.

Registration opens Saturday, 7 July 2018. For more detailed information please visit