
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Devin Ashby presents "The Google Genealogist"

April's Virtual Chapter Meeting!!

Date: April 21.7:00pm MDT (Your time zone)

Address to access the chapter meeting:

Title of Presentation: The Google Genealogist

Synopsis: What are the latest tools from Google and how can I use them in my research? Come learn about products like Picasa, Alerts, Sites, Books, Video, Maps and much more that can help you save time and money as you utilize the internet to help you get the job done.

Bio: Devin Ashby is a Project Coordinator for FamilySearch, the largest genealogical organization in the world. Devin has been involved in family history for years. In 2004 he received Bachelor degrees in History and Spanish, and the following year earned a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership from Northern Arizona University.

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